Forward Kinematics
Forward Kinematics
with User Interface
Using p5.js, I built a visual display demonstrating how a robotic arm moves in 3D space—a lesson in forward kinematics. Users are able to control each of the joints using a graphical interface. The first 3 sliders control the angle values for each joint, while the last 3 sliders control the corresponding joints' current axis of rotation. [0 = x-axis, 1 = y-axis, 2 = z-axis]
Forward Kinematics
with Perlin Noise and Sine Waves
This p5.js sketch includes 2 additional robotic arms moving using perlin noise and sine wave functions to emulate natural movement. Orbit controls allow users to move around in 3D space to see the robot arms in action. Use the middle mouse button to zoom, and the left mouse button to orbit.